This site was created by people just like you. We know that Canadians care where the taxes are going, and we believe that if given a platform, they will voice their support.
We do need help. We cannot go into every town and city in Canada to spread the word, so if you want to help us out, we would kindly ask you to show this site to your co-workers, family and friends. To start, there’s a few things you can do:
- Sign the petition
- Tell your family and friends
- Like our group on facebook (
- Share the petition on facebook
- Share any of our posts and promotions
- Contact any organizations you are a part of to see if you can give a brief announcement
This is definitely not something we can do on our own, so if you, like us believe this to be of paramount importance to the future of Canada’s military procurement program, as well as the establishment of a strong, technically advanced industry, we’d ask you to join us and “sign your name.”
In addition, if have marketing, web design, graphics or other promotional skills that you think could help, let us know. You can send a message through the facebook group, or email one of us at